30 Graffitis Malins qui Interagissent Avec Leur Environnement

L’urbanisme et  la nature ne font pas toujours bon ménage, mais quand ils le font, leur collaboration peut créer quelque chose de vraiment spécial et unique.

Ainsi certains artistes de rue incorporent des éléments de la nature dans leurs graffitis et le résultat est bluffant.

L’artiste doit rechercher l’endroit idéal, sachant que les éléments de la nature ne sont pas toujours permanents. Et le résultat en vaut la peine – ces oeuvres deviennent vraiment des personnages et amusent ou emerveillent les passants.

Street art interacts with nature 1Image credits: Nuxuno Xän

Street art interacts with nature 2Image credits: Natalia Rak

Street art interacts with nature 4Image credits: Banksy

Street art interacts with nature 15Image credits: Công Thành

Street art interacts with nature 6

Street art interacts with nature 7Image credits: Banksy

Street art interacts with nature 5Image credits: Pao Pao

Street art interacts with nature 9Image credits: Oak Oak

Street art interacts with nature 26Image credits: unknown

Street art interacts with nature 8Image credits: Oak Oak

Street art interacts with nature 10Image credits: unknown

Street art interacts with nature 12Image credits: hankdiggles

Street art interacts with nature 18Image credits: Gabz

Street art interacts with nature 13Image credits: David Zinn

Street art interacts with nature 14Image credits: WD street art

Street art interacts with nature 19Image credits: David Zinn

Street art interacts with nature 16

Street art interacts with nature 17Image credits: Sandrine Boulet

Street art interacts with nature 36Image credits: Zoltron

Street art interacts with nature 11Image credits: Sandrine Boulet

Street art interacts with nature 23Image credits: David Zinn

Street art interacts with nature 22Image credits: unknown

Street art interacts with nature 24Image credits: Aakash Nihalani

Street art interacts with nature 25Source: ljpoisk.ru

Street art interacts with nature 27Image credits: Julien Coquentin

Street art interacts with nature 28Image credits: Ernest Zacharevic

Street art interacts with nature 20Image credits: unknown

Street art interacts with nature 29Image credits: Ernest Zacharevic

Street art interacts with nature 32

Street art interacts with nature 33Image credits: EVOL

Street art interacts with nature 34Image credits: David Zinn